Comprehensive Acupuncture Treatment
Indulge in a deluxe 90-minute session dedicated to enhancing facial rejuvenation and promoting overall physical and mental well-being. This luxurious service begins with a personalized consultation followed by a comprehensive array of treatments including body and facial acupuncture, infrared light therapy, facial LED light therapy, E-Stem, body and facial cupping, body and facial gua sha, or moxibustion.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Treatment
Experience a comprehensive 60-minute session designed to nurture the physical recovery and emotional wellness of new mothers. This holistic treatment addresses various needs, including pain management, hormonal balance, breastfeeding support, energy restoration, uterine recovery, stress relief, immune support, and sleep improvement. Our service includes a personalized consultation followed by a blend of acupuncture, infrared light therapy, E-Stem, cupping, gua sha, or moxibustion techniques. Additionally, we provide guidance on dietary and lifestyle adjustments to further enhance your well-being during this crucial postpartum phase.